

"The Impact of Basketball Diplomacy on US/North Korean Relations," Panel with Charles Armstrong (Columbia University) on CBC Radio One's morning show "The Current," http://www.cbc.ca/thecurrent/episode/2013/03/01/the-impact-of-basketball-diplomacy-on-us---north-korean-relations/

"Gaming the World: How Sports are Reshaping Global Politics and Culture," Interview on Illinois Public Radio, August 2, 2010:

Andrei S. Markovits & Lars Rensmann, "The Beautiful Game's Serious Blemish," The New York Times Online, June 2, 2010. http://goal.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/02/the-beautiful-games-serious-blemish/
Andrei S. Markovits & Lars Rensmann, "The Next Level," The Huffington Post, June 11, 2010, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrei-markovits/the-next-level_b_608722.html

Andrei S. Markovits & Lars Rensmann, "Cup der Hoffnung: Die Fußball-WM fördert den Kosmopolitismus," Jüdische Allgemeine, June 15, 2010. http://www.juedische-allgemeine.de/article/view/id/7603

Andrei S. Markovits & Lars Rensmann, "Ich pfeife, also bin ich Schiedsrichter," Die Welt Online, June 22, 2010. http://www.welt.de/debatte/kommentare/article8141296/Ich-pfeife-also-bin-ich-Schiedsrichter.html

Andrei S. Markovits & Lars Rensmann, "The Beautiful Game's Ugly Blemish," Jordan Times, June 22, 2010. http://www.jordantimes.com/index.php?news=27643

Andrei S. Markovits & Lars Rensmann, "Time to Adapt 19th-Century Soccer Laws to 21st- Century Resources," Tapei Times, June 22, 2010, page 9. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2010/06/22/2003476041

Andrei S. Markovits & Lars Rensmann, "The Beautiful Game," The Korea Herald, June 21, 2010. http://www.koreaherald.com/opinion/Detail.jsp?newsMLId=20100621000514

Andrei S. Markovits & Lars Rensmann, "The Beautiful Game has an Ugly Blemish," Japan Times, http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/eo20100623a3.html

Andrei S. Markovits & Lars Rensmann, "Removing Soccer's Big Stain," The Moscow Times, June 21, 2010. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/removing-soccers-big-stain/408688.html

Andrei S. Markovits & Lars Rensmann, "An American Game," The Huffington Post, June 15, 2010. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrei-markovits/an-american-game_b_612651.html

Listen to Lars on New Hampshire Public Radio, Interview on "Gaming the World," June 23, 2010, 12pm.

Lars Rensmann, "Wir Israelkritiker: Der Nahe Osten wird zur Projektionsfläche," die tageszeitung (Germany), August 8, 2010, http://www.taz.de/1/debatte/kommentar/artikel/1/wir-israelkritiker/

Lars' Summer Reading List at the Princeton University Press Blog: http://press.princeton.edu/blog/2010/08/02/your-new-reading-list-lars-rensmanns-picks/​